Viva la vida

The lying game11-15 sērija

11.Sērija O Twin, Where Art Thou?
Back at Sutton's birthday party, Emma (as Sutton) and Kristin come across Char's aunt Annie, who nows goes by Rebecca. It appears that Kristin, Ted, and Alec were all familiar with her during their high school days, the men especially. Phyllis is outraged that Char invited Rebecca back to town and ends up with a DUI after she angrily leaves the party drunk. After a talk with Alec, Rebecca asks him to submit a letter that would require Phyllis to spend some time in rehab, leaving Char in her care. Meanwhile, a spare car has gone missing from the Mercer family garage and Emma and Ethan suspect that Sutton had taken it, while Dan and Laurel suspect Emma (as Sutton) and Ethan. Laurel loses the vintage bracelet that Justin had given her. Later, Dan finds the missing car in a lake after a nearby fisherman had spotted it. They open up the car and realize that Sutton wasn't in there, but she had left her purse and cell phone behind. Dan claims that Emma (as Sutton) had taken the car after all and when Emma fails to logically explain what had occurred the night before, Ethan steps in and takes the blame for her, telling Dan that he had taken the car to take Sutton out for a "birthday joyride." After Alec gets them out of custody, Dan confronts Ethan about constantly sticking up for Sutton and how she wouldn't do the same for him. Thayer suspects that Ethan had something to do with Sutton's absence and although Emma does not fully believe him, she begins to act cautious around Ethan. Ethan confronts Thayer about his accusations, but Alec breaks up the argument before they get anywhere. Ted is shown to have taken Laurel's bracelet while a very upset Laurel shows up at Justin's place and tells him that she lost it. Justin seems worried when she tells him that she told her family that it was his mother's when they were all looking for it and he tells her that his mother wore the bracelet when she died. Emma brings Ethan and Thayer together at the Mercer house to work out their trust issues, when Kristin brings Emma another birthday present. Thayer is suspicious of the wrapping and prompts Emma to open it. Inside the box was a piece of Sutton's birthday dress that she wore the night she disappeared with a threatening note that read, "Keep on being Sutton.....or you're next."

12.sērija When We Dead Awaken
Ethan and Thayer suspect Sutton of sending Emma the mysterious package and believe that she is playing another one of her "lying games" to spite Emma. Derek is back at school. While practicing tennis, she meets the tennis scout of Ted's alma mater and they see this as a way of getting Sutton to come forward when she hears that Emma is using her name for personal gain. Justin and Ted continue to be suspicious of one another. Rebecca tries to get custody of Char. Now living in fear of Sutton, Emma almost confesses her identity to Dan, but when Ethan and Emma pull up to his trailer and see his brother in a heated argument with Alec, she backs out. Later, Ethan asks Dan about the encounter and he tells Ethan about how Alec bailed him out of a tough situation a long time ago. Meanwhile, Emma is off on the college visit with Ted and seems serious about the idea of going to college and playing tennis, something that seemed a bit out of Sutton's character. Justin breaks up with Laurel, leaving her confused as it came out of the blue. However, she feels that Ted is somehow involved. Emma and Ethan find out that Thayer is off following his own lead on Sutton. Ted and Alec are suspicious of Rebecca's motives. Laurel confronts Justin about what had happened between them, but Justin brushes her off, saying that there wasn't anything else he needed to talk about. Back in his room, an upset Justin kicks his "special box" and some of the contents spill out, including one of an autopsy report, presumably his mother's. Thayer shows up at Ethan's place and is convinced that Annie Hobbs has killed Sutton. They then head to the Mercer home to break the news to Sutton's family. As the three reflect on their good times with Sutton, Justin is shown burning his box. It also turns out that Sutton isn't dead after all.

13.sērija Pleased to Meet Me
Sutton is back and says that someone had tried to kill her on the night of her birthday. Supposedly, Annie Hobbs had followed her that night and saved her from the lake after the suspect fled the scene, taking Sutton back to the motel that she had been staying at and caring for her. Emma believes that Sutton is telling some aspect of the truth, while Ethan and Thayer don't seem to be buying her act. Sutton takes them back to the motel, but Annie has taken off. Sutton is instructed to stay at Ethan's place during the day so that she doesn't run into anybody (since Emma is still pretending to be Sutton at this point because of Sutton's noticeable injury). Nonetheless, Sutton sneaks into the Mercer home to freshen up and play around in her room, but is caught by Kristin. Emma happens to come home and witnesses Sutton disrespecting Kristin, which leads to Emma confronting Sutton about the way she treats the people that care about her. To Emma's surprise, Sutton tells her that after she officially takes her life back, she actually wants Emma to stick around. Meanwhile, Ryan, a proclaimed bad boy who had been kicked out of boarding school returns to Arroyo and seeks Mads' attention, although she is convinced that he never changed. Kristin and Rebecca are planning an annual charity event. When Emma leaves Sutton alone to attend the event, someone breaks into the house, causing Sutton to flee, further puncturing her wound when she hits the window on her way out. She goes to the event to find Emma, Ethan, and Thayer, and as Thayer escorts her away from the party, Kristin finds her and sees her wound. Sutton and Emma later switch places (Emma now officially being herself and Sutton now taking her identity back), seeing as everyone already saw Sutton with a wound. Rebecca encourages Laurel to perform in front of an audience. After the festivities end, Laurel runs into Justin on her way out. He admits that he had been hiding something from her and reluctantly tells her his secret: He says that Ted is responsible for his mother's death, as she was one of his patients. His mother went in for a low-risk appendectomy, but Ted wasn't being careful and was distracted by some news that he had received that night, resulting in her unexpected death. Laurel breaks down after she realizes how much Justin has lied to her and warns him to stay away from her family. Since her charade is now over, Emma leaves during the night, not before seeing Sutton, Ted, and Kristin back together as one happy family.

14.sērija Black and White and Green All Over
Now stepping back into her old lifestyle, Sutton's personality shift is noticeable among her family members. Sutton doesn't want Emma staying with her, so she moves into the Mercer family cabin. Ethan wants Emma to run away with him, but she is reluctant to leave her sister behind unprotected. Justin approaches Laurel to apologize, but Laurel is still questioning everything about him. Later, Sutton spills Justin's secret to Ted without Laurel's consent and Ted goes to talk to him, leading to a confrontation that leaves Laurel upset at Justin, Ted, and Sutton. Ethan plans a public breakup with Sutton so that he could leave with Emma without suspicion. Mads encourages her father to take Rebecca as his date to the Black & White Ball and in turn, Rebecca tells her to take a chance with Ryan. Kristin reveals to Laurel that because of what happened with Justin's mother, Ted had lost his residency in L.A., which forced them to relocate to Phoenix. Sutton shows up at the cabin and tries to get Emma to stay, saying that she'll tell her parents about her. Emma isn't easily convinced by Sutton's sudden change of heart, but chooses to believe her, as she has always wanted to be a part of a family. At the ball, Justin shows up for Laurel, but Kristin tells him off. Sutton tries to get Ethan's affection in public and it seems like she might still have feelings for him. Ethan leaves early to be with Emma for the night, while Thayer asks Sutton for a dance. It is later revealed that the reason why Sutton hates Ryan is because they had a fling back in the ninth grade. Alec tells Ted that he'll date Rebecca to keep her from saying anything. Dan shows up to tell Alec that he had found Annie Hobbs lurking near the Mercer home; Sutton has been eavesdropping. Justin tells Laurel that he loves her. Sutton goes to get Emma and walks in on Emma and Ethan's make-out session. She tells them that they need to get to Annie before Alec does so that Emma could finally see her. When they finally meet Annie together, she tells them that she isn't their mother. Her own baby had died at birth and when she heard that a woman was giving up twins (Sutton and Emma) at the same hospital, she wanted one of them and ended up taking Emma. When the girls bring up Alec's name, Annie insists that they are in danger. Kristin thinks Ted is hiding things from her. In the last scene, Rebecca appears to be in the same hospital that Annie is currently being held in.

15.sērija Dead Man Talking
After what they had learned from Annie at the hospital, the group is on the lookout for the person who had tried to kill Sutton. At school, Sutton notices a snake tattoo on Derek's wrist and Ethan immediately questions him, although he doesn't say anything before a teacher breaks them up. Laurel tells the Mercers that she is now happily single, but in reality, she is back in a relationship with Justin. Mads tries to get Sutton to cover for her while she's on another date with Ryan during midterms week, against her father's wishes. It appears that Alec and Rebecca are now in a relationship. Sutton and Ethan wait to confront Derek after class, but learn that he had left school early, adding more suspicion. Sutton, Thayer, and Ethan drive over to Derek's house, only to find his mother, who tells them that Derek had gotten a ride from Dan on the night of the party, after his car supposedly broke down by the lake. Emma offers to temporarily trade places with Sutton, as she is the one that is capable of passing midterms and Sutton wants to find out more about Derek. Baz, a guitarist from the band Laurel had played with during the Black & White Ball, asks her to be a part of the band. Emma (as Sutton) raises suspicion in the Mercer household, as Ted and Kristin try to deal with Sutton's recent unruly behavior. Sutton and Thayer find out that Derek spends a lot of time at a body shop, so Sutton and Ethan go there to confront him. Taking a more aggressive approach than before, Ethan gets Derek to tell his story of what had happened on the night of Sutton's birthday: He was supposed to instruct Sutton to drive to a parking lot and the lake incident was an accident. Derek and Ethan then get in a physical fight, although both don't appear to have any huge injuries. When a car pulls up to the shop, Ethan and Sutton flee the scene. They are then pulled over by a cop, who is a friend of Dan's, for a broken taillight. The next day, Derek is found dead just outside of the body shop, due to a serious injury to the head. Arriving at the scene, Dan senses a possible connection between his brother and the victim. While he does believe that Ethan is innocent, he tells him to leave town immediately to avoid any charges. Ethan, Thayer, and Sutton are all confused as to what had happened, and Ethan goes to get Emma so that they could run away together. At Arroyo, Ethan and Emma attempt to leave the building, but they run into the cops at the front door. As they're turning back to the other hallway, Emma trips and breaks a heel while Ethan hides in a closet. As the cops take Emma (as Sutton) for questioning, Ethan slips away. Ultimately, Emma and Thayer are left behind in Phoenix while Ethan and Sutton leave town. In the final moments, Rebecca is shown trying on engagement rings.
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