Komentāri (0) | 2012-03-23 03:03 | Skatīts: 759x |
11.Sērija O Twin, Where Art Thou? Back at Sutton's birthday party, Emma (as Sutton) and Kristin come across Char's aunt Annie, who nows goes by Rebecca. It appears that Kristin, Ted, and Alec were all familiar with her during their high school days, the men especially. Phyllis is outraged that Char invited Rebecca back to town and ends up with a DUI after she angrily leaves the party drunk. After a talk with Alec, Rebecca asks him to submit a letter that would require Phyllis to spend some time in rehab, leaving Char in her care. Meanwhile, a spare car has gone missing from the Mercer family garage and Emma and Ethan suspect that Sutton had taken it, while Dan and Laurel suspect Emma (as Sutton) and Ethan. Laurel loses the vintage bracelet that Justin had given her. Later, Dan finds the missing car in a lake after a nearby fisherman had spotted it. They open up the car and realize that Sutton wasn't in there, but she had left her purse and cell phone behind. Dan claims that Emma (as Sutton) had taken the car after all and when Emma fails to logically explain what had occurred the night before, Ethan steps in and takes the blame for her, telling Dan that he had taken the car to take Sutton out for a "birthday joyride." After Alec gets them out of custody, Dan confronts Ethan about constantly sticking up for Sutton and how she wouldn't do the same for him. Thayer suspects that Ethan had something to do with Sutton's absence and although Emma does not fully believe him, she begins to act cautious around Ethan. Ethan confronts Thayer about his accusations, but Alec breaks up the argument before they get anywhere. Ted is shown to have taken Laurel's bracelet while a very upset Laurel shows up at Justin's place and tells him that she lost it. Justin seems worried when she tells him that she told her family that it was his mother's when they were all looking for it and he tells her that his mother wore the bracelet when she died. Emma brings Ethan and Thayer together at the Mercer house to work out their trust issues, when Kristin brings Emma another birthday present. Thayer is suspicious of the wrapping and prompts Emma to open it. Inside the box was a piece of Sutton's birthday dress that she wore the night she disappeared with a threatening note that read, "Keep on being Sutton.....or you're next." ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2012-03-19 01:57 | Skatīts: 832x |
Šī sērija bija redzama kanālā LNT 15.03. plkst 22.20
Ir kaut kas noslēpumains jaunajā Mistikfolsas vidusskolas vēstures skolotājā Alarikā Zalcmanā. Džeremijs viņu iepazīstina ar tanti Džennu. Boniju nomoka biedējoši sapņi. Acīmredzot viņas vecvecvecmāmiņai Emīlijai ir kas sakāms. Lai arī Elena mēģina abas draudzenes samierināt, Bonija un Kerolaina turpina kašķēties medaljona dēļ. Viņām liekas, ka sarīkot garu izsaukšanas seansu ir laba doma, taču rezultāti izrādās daudz nopietnāki, nekā meitenes bija domājušas - Emīlija iemiesojas Bonijas ķermenī, lai cīnītos ar Deimonu. Visbeidzot arī Stefans uzzina patieso iemeslu, kādēļ brālis atgriezies dzimtajā pilsētiņā. Viņš grib atdzīvināt Katrīnu! Un tas, ka līdz ar viņu atdzīvosies arī 27 citi dēmoni, viņu nemaz neuztrauc. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2012-03-17 09:31 | Skatīts: 784x |
6.sērija Bad Boys Break Hearts While exchanging "Annie" information with Sutton, Emma finds out that Sutton has been staying with Thayer in L.A. and suspects that they are romantically involved, although Sutton is technically still dating Ethan. Emma confronts Ethan about the kiss and tells him that they'll never work, as she isn't who she says she is and he is dating her twin sister. Laurel and her parents invite Justin and his parents over for a barbecue, but after he continues to give excuses, Laurel decides to pay his house a visit. It turns out that Justin didn't live at the address he provided to the school and this leads Laurel to investigate what exactly is going on with her boyfriend. Sutton is using Thayer as revenge in L.A. while Thayer continues to pour his feelings out towards her. They find an art gallery that takes contributions from an artist named Annie Hobbs and are convinced that she's the one that they've been looking for. After thinking about what Emma said, Ethan breaks up with Sutton to date her, although to the rest of the world, they're still the same person. Meanwhile, backlash from Madeline and Eduardo's flirtationship continues as Mads finds out that Eduardo quit his choreographing job and is leaving town. She suspects that this has something to do with the conversation that he had with her father, and while Eduardo confirms this, he was sworn to secrecy about what exactly went on. Following Emma (as Sutton)'s suggestion, Laurel drives around Justin's suspected neighborhood and finds out that he's actually a runaway orphan trying to make it through life playing golf. Later, Emma finally decides to tell Ethan about Sutton cheating on him with Thayer, but his reaction wasn't at all what she expected and he breaks up with her for not telling her as soon as she found out. While at Char's house helping her prepare for her date with Derek (Alec's partner-in-crime), Emma sees a picture of Annie on the wall and confronts Phyllis about it, only to have her freak out and tell her that Annie moved to L.A. after Ted and Alec "broke her heart." Derek hears this and reports it to Alec. Back in L.A., Thayer is upset that Sutton is still hung over Ethan and tells her that he's leaving for a few days and that she better leave before he comes back. Emma talks to Kristin about Annie and she openly talks about what she knew about her (which was very little), much to Ted's surprise, who was eavesdropping from the hallway. Mads finds out that Eduardo had been in a car accident and is in critical condition, calling Emma (as Sutton) and Char to the hospital for support. Ethan accidentally talks about an "Emma" in front of Char, leading her to believe that he was cheating on Sutton (which is really Emma) with another girl. At the hospital, all the cards are laid out on the table as Char tells Emma (as Sutton) about Ethan's "cheating", Ethan arrives to explain the situation to a very confused Char, Thayer is about to blow Sutton & Emma's secret out of anger, and Ethan punches Thayer for getting with Sutton. In the last scene, the real Sutton is shown arriving at Dowinger Clinic, looking for Annie. The receptionist falsely tells her that Annie isn't there (as she was forewarned by Alec) and Sutton goes exploring within the clinic anyway. She finds Annie sitting in her room and as she whispers "Mom", someone grabs her from behind, to Annie's horror. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2012-03-14 06:57 | Skatīts: 962x |
Noteikti iesaku skatīties šo aizraujošo seriālu. Šonedēļ bija sezonas noslēguma sērija, kas bija pilna pārsteigumu. Par šo sriālu jau ir bijis raksts šajā lapā, bet tagad būs par katru sēriju https://ikdienasatelpa.1w.lv/59-the-lying-game/
1.sērija Pilot Prior to the events that occurred in the pilot, Emma Becker and Sutton Mercer found out that they were identical twins that were separated at birth. Sutton was adopted by a wealthy family at a young age. Emma was placed in the foster care system her whole life. After her foster brother, Travis, frames her for stealing from her foster mother, Emma goes on the run and decides to meet up with Sutton. Already having leads on their birth parents, Sutton wants to go to Los Angeles and find more information about them, convincing Emma to take her place for the next few days. In Sutton's place, Emma manages to slightly confuse the Mercers (although they don't suspect a thing) and break up with Sutton's cheating "fake" boyfriend. Along the way, Emma meets Ethan, Sutton's secret boyfriend who soon figures out her secret. After Sutton mysteriously doesn't show up at their scheduled meeting place, they both agree to continue the charade until Sutton returns. Someone breaks into Sutton's room and steals her laptop. A scene is then shown of Sutton, sitting in a car, listening to the radio. The car door suddenly opens and Sutton lets out a gasp. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2012-03-12 08:25 | Skatīts: 931x |
 Šo seriālu droši vien ir skatijušies, ja nav tad noteikti iesaku skatīties. Seriālam jau iznāk 5. sezona, šonedēļ iznāca 5. sezonas 17. sērija, pa šiem 5 gadiem seriāla varoņu dzīve ir pamatīgi izmainījusies gandrīz nekas nav tā, kā bija no sākuma. Pēc manām domām, visas seriāla sezonas ir ļoti aizraujošas. 5.sezona nebūs pēdējā, seriāla veidotāji sola, ka būs vēl 6.sezona. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2012-03-03 07:56 | Skatīts: 921x |
Komentāri (0) | 2012-03-02 03:27 | Skatīts: 729x |
 vēlējos Jums pastāstīt par tiešām ļoti aizraujošu seriālu ;)
Seriāls ir no 2011. gada 26 septembra, šī seriāla žanrs ir Drāma, Romantika, komēdija !
Zoe Hart (Rachel Bilson) tikko absolvējusi koledžu kurā mācījusies par Ārsti, viņa vēlas iet tēva pēdās,bet tad viņas sapņi sabrūk. Zoe, nolemj pieņemt no svešinieka piedāvājumu pastrādāt viņa praksē Bluebellā. Kad viņa ierodas šajā mazajā ciematā, viņa uzzina ka svešinieks kurš viņai piedāvājis darbu esot, nomiris un atstājis pusi no medicīniskās prakses viņai. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2012-02-19 23:27 | Skatīts: 771x |
Komentāri (0) | 2012-02-17 00:35 | Skatīts: 763x |
Es gribu ieteikt jaunu seriālu the secret circle, seriālam ir iznākušas 14 sērijas. Seriāls pieder pie fantāzijas žanra, seriāls ir aizraujošs jau no pirmās sērijas.
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Komentāri (0) | 2012-02-13 00:57 | Skatīts: 7933x |
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